Epic. {KOA] Stand up!
Ayo wuts good with that RapWars song u was gonna get on? weve already started hittin tha studio. (Ryder and Coke already dropped thyer lyrics to it heres the link to the R.Y.D. page
<a href="http://www.myspace.com/recklessyouthdivision">http://www.myspace.com/recklessyouthd ivision</a>
, it has the track on it, named (Duel Of Fates) and thats what we have for the track so far, but me n Esquire Still need to put our lyrics to it, and u too. Im inviting you to be apart of our Mix Tape Crew R.Y.D. (Reckless Youth Division). Its just a Thing Ryder made on the side to give everyone we colab with a chance to get exposure n heard.
lemme kno wut u think Stay up.
Damn straight.