I kept meaning to send you a pic to use for this. You did a great job anyway! Amazing work, and what a great idea! Keep it up bud!
I kept meaning to send you a pic to use for this. You did a great job anyway! Amazing work, and what a great idea! Keep it up bud!
I just ended up using your YouTube videos for reference.
This gets my vote. Amazing job!
Thanks! :3
bwahahaaa @ the claptrap :P
Leon looks oddly like your self portrait hahaaa
Keep it reppin dawg
No hate
But I'm glad to see that this was drawn years ago. It looks like a 6th grader's art. Hope you've gotten better since...
As to WHY: the form is not to scale, the muscles arenot symmetrical, the wings have no webbing, he's missing his right foot, the hands look like boxes, and the shading is TOO prevalent.
Also, your canvas medium could've been maintained better.
Your mother is too prevalent. Learn how to draw before you start yapping.
Here and there
The scaled down version looks really good. Cool concept and inclusions and all that.
You def need to work on your line work however. This seems like it might be a sketch of the quicker variety. If you put just a little more effort into this piece, it'd be killer.
Keep it up.
What is this iScribble?
Whatever it is, you use it very well. Nice job here sir.
Scope my portfolio if you get a chance. (Sry to plug, I just need to get scouted.)
Keep it up!
Thought it said Angela
Amazing piece though. Love your style. Your 3-d is perfect, and the pink outline goes well with the curves.
Check my shit if you get a chance.
I'm a hip hop philosopher from Spokane, Washington.
Age 35, Male
Musician, Promoter
Spokane, WA
Joined on 1/28/09