Idgaf what this guy below me says, this track is ill. It's so peaceful and tranquil. Definitely a change for you, but I like this a lot (hence the 10).
Idgaf what this guy below me says, this track is ill. It's so peaceful and tranquil. Definitely a change for you, but I like this a lot (hence the 10).
Glad you thought so dude. Ya, I thought it was fairly peaceful as well
Very Sting. The drum line is muy bueno mi compadre. Putting in all that work makes much better tracks.
Ya, that was a LOT of work for those drums lol
Har har har!!1
I can just imagine some movie having this as the backing music for Jesus carrying a cross thru the streets and gettin beaten with shit then hanging on the cross. Idk... that's the imagery.
really does an amazing job at setting a feeling and tone. muchos props. i'd actually give you an 11 for this if i could.
They'd be beating him with a copy of Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ. Delicious irony.
If you didn't make this within your 7 day period, then you just cheated.
Also, it's mastered too low. Only issue.
Fine, I'll release something else tonight. One second, just finishing up what was supposed to be tomorrows... way to add to my workload
This is crackin bud! I don't know where this came from, but you definitely stepped your game up with this track. The reverb on the drums is the only thing that I had to drop you a point for. It just gets to me, in that your kick and snare are overpowered by your hat.
Regardless, great melody, cool line in the hook, overall a stellar track.
Thanks for the review, problem fixed
Not something I'd personally rap over. The melody gets really repetitive and doesn't seem to have a whole lot of character to it. Also, the 1, 2 drum beat was mediocre at best imho.
Yes, it's quite simplistic. Thought I'd go for a change
Your drums seem off in spots and your synths switch around too much for my taste. Seems a little too ADD. However, this is definitely a good start at some Psychedelic Hip Hop. I like the sound of that extra reverb-ed snare on top of your main snare every few bars. Sounds really good.
Class is starting or I'd write more.
ah K. Ya, this had no real form, I put what I wanted, where I wanted. But ya, I liked that snare sound as well
I'm a hip hop philosopher from Spokane, Washington.
Age 35, Male
Musician, Promoter
Spokane, WA
Joined on 1/28/09